About Me

Hello, I'm Joanne! Welcome to my blog, In Which We Start Anew. I live in the Seattle area with my husband of 22 years, and our three daughters (19, 19, and 17... yes, that's twins). 

I've been a blogger since 2003, but took a break from 2008-2011.  In early 2011, I found myself in an emotional place where I was hurting from some friendships that had gone bust.  What I needed most was to strip myself bare, and start again, hence the title In Which We Start Anew.  And sure, what self-respecting individual wouldn't want to do it right out in the open where everyone can see?

I'm not entirely sure what genre to tell you that I sit in here.  Is there a Life niche?  Inside the walls here, you'll find entries on Friendship and Happiness, some bits of fiction (mostly of the flash fiction variety), and talk about writing and change.

I want you to walk away encouraged. I want to leave you hopeful. Sometimes I want to make you smile. But I also want you to know that it's okay to hurt and it's okay to struggle and it's okay to want to kick people in the teeth.  It's okay to fall down and make mistakes and wonder if you'll ever get it right.  You will. Probably.

Please feel free to email me at joannehaagenson@gmail.com if you have any comments or concerns or questions or anything! Also, use the links to the left to subscribe via Facebook, Twitter, RSS, Pinterest, or email.

Stick around, read where you'd like, drop me a comment... I'd love to hear from you!


  1. I have been in this place more time than I care to remember. Friendship is a two-way street and there must always be a balance for the friendship to last. No one can do all the taking or giving --- I so enjoyed your blog.
