Monday, January 20, 2025

All the Things

 It's 10:30 in the morning on either MLK Jr Day or Inauguration Day.  Whichever you are celebrating.

It's 10:30 in the morning.  And already an Executive Order has come down, targeting someone I hold most dear.

It's 10:30 in the morning. And the anxiety-reducing deep breaths have already begun.

Let me start by saying that if you are someone who is tempted to tell me that it won't be that bad, or want to pass on your culpability in it all, you can fuck right off with that. Shit's about to get dark, and I am done playing.

Going forward, this is probably where you can find me:  

  • BlueSky (I haven't posted much there yet, but that may change).  
  • Possibly I may resurrect my old blog that I still pay for and just talk to myself.
    • Facebook? No. Our family group chats live in Messenger, so probably not gone gone.  But mostly gone. On the one hand, it's become practically unusable as a platform for me for logistical reasons.  Layered on that, community standards and internal practices make it a no.
    • Instagram and Threads?  Same.
    • Twitter? Already deleted several weeks ago.
    • Tiktok -- Who even knows what's happening with that?
  • Reading a lot of Fantasy
    • Let me just give a vote for Fantasy lit and entertainment as a way to cope with the next however many years we're in this. "But I don't like elves," you say.  Let me explain. I have read/watched Fantasy for most of my life, probably beginning with Star Wars. The first that I remember reading that REALLY turned me into the genre was the Dragonlance Chronicles when I was 13 (still a favorite)-- though I'm sure I read some childrens lit before then.  But here's WHY I think it's a perfect genre for the time.  There are a gazillion different themes you'll see repeated throughout, but there are two in particular that stand out to me this morning.
      • Rebellion against an oligarchian or authoritarian government devoid of compassion for its people
      • What happens when a religious system prioritizes its power over its faith
    • I recommend it
  • Resisting the temptation to revel in schaudenfreude
  • Indulging in self care whatever that looks like
    • Probably should just buy stock in Half Price Books and B&N
  • Protecting my kids from the "-isms" of the ruling class.
so  Good luck. I'll meet those with the heart to do so on Endor.

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