I have a thing I need to say... and I should say it to you. But I don't want to fight or get the run around... and so I cowardly say it here, where I don't think you read.
I'm mad at you.

And then suddenly you jump back, and you're here again and you seem like you want my friendship. I know that you're busy. I know this because you tell me every time you jump back, and though it may not seem like it, I can understand that. But I also understand that we make time for the things and the people that are important to us. So how can I make any conclusion other than that I'm not?
I used to think it was me when you would disappear. I used to think I had done something... said something that bothered you, did something that made you mad... somehow made myself someone that you didn't think was worth your friendship and your caring. And I would beat myself up... blame myself, criticize myself.
Eventually, I realized it wasn't me. I hadn't done anything wrong. I hadn't said anything wrong. This was just how you were... popping in and out of my life like your absence didn't matter. The thing you've never understood is that it did. And it does.
I'm mad at you, and I'm hurt that you've disappeared again. But the thing is... I don't want to not be friends. But I want to be friends in a way that's respectful to us both. When you are here, I enjoy us. I enjoy talking to you, and knowing what you think, and knowing you're interested in what I think. But, I never know when that's going to disappear. Can you understand why being friends on slippery ground is tough?
You won't read this and we won't fight about it. You won't give me excuses that don't really mean anything. And I won't tell you that it's okay.
But maybe I feel a little better, just for having said it outloud.
I so understand this. Personally, sometimes I feel I chase friendships too much, and then I wonder if I have given someone too much space. I don't know. I'm finding a balance of acceptance without expectation, but it's hard. I just understand this.