but I didn't have anything else to say --
and I thought you'd think I was dumb.
so I never dialed your number
I thought about opening an email and telling you
but written words are things you can't get back, stamped there in print for eternity
and I wasn't sure if I wanted you to know you were on my mind if I wasn't on yours.
so I never sent the message
I thought about stopping by your house and bringing you coffee
Like maybe a peace offering of caffeine would somehow alleviate the tension that once was
but I don't even know if you like coffee anymore and I was afraid of what you would do if you saw my face there on your doorstep
So I never came over
but you were still on my mind.
and so I'm telling you here... in this place you probably never read
so that somewhere, it's there. and if you're interested to know...
You were on my mind today.